Chess Books and Artists' Books from the Elke Rehder Collection |
Here is a selection of international chess bibliography from 1847 to today.
Authors by alphabetical order.
Betts, D. A.: Chess. An annotated Bibliography of Works Published in the English Language 1850-1968. Boston, Hall, 1974.
Chicca, A. / Sanvito, A.: Lineamenti di una bibliografia Italiana degli scacchi. Roma, 1987.
Cleveland Public Library: John G. White Department. Catalog of the Chess Collection. 2 Vols., Boston, Hall 1964. The chess book collection is expanding steadily. Also some artists' books by the German artist Elke Rehder recently have been included into the John G. White Collection.
D'Ambrosio, Luca: Festschrift zu Ehren Alessandro Sanvitos. Internationale Beiträge zur Geschichte und Bibliographie des Schachspiels - International contributions to the history and bibliography of chess - Contributi internazionali sulla storia e la bibliografia degli scacchi. Serie 1, Band 2 (N-Z). Wien, Refordis, 2012. SANVITO-Festschrift-1-2.pdf
D'Ambrosio, Luca: Festschrift zu Ehren Alessandro Sanvitos. Internationale Beiträge zur Geschichte und Bibliographie des Schachspiels - International contributions to the history and bibliography of chess - Contributi internazionali sulla storia e la bibliografia degli scacchi. Serie 1, Band 1 (A-M). Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2010. SANVITO-Festschrift-1-1.pdf
Fjunnis, Roger: Systematisches Handbuch der deutschen Schachpublikationen zur ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts - Systematic handbook of German chess publications the first half of the twentienth century. Dritte überarbeitete Auflage. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2008.
Fjunnis, Roger: Systematisches Handbuch Deutscher Schachbibliografie ab 1900. Geryacht - Handbuch der deutschen Schachbibliografie ab 1900. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2006.
Gay, J.: Bibliographie anecdotique du jeu des échecs. Paris, Gay, 1864.
Katalog över Stockholms Shacksällskap. Stockholms Shacksällskap, 1951, 32 pages.
Knuttel, F.: Bibliotheca Van der Linde - Niemeijeriana. A Catalogue of the Chess Collection in the Royal Library The Hague. The Hague, 1955. This is a list of chess book collection of the Royal Library in The Hague, originated from the library of Antonius van der Linde (1876), Meindert Niemeijer (1948) and the additions of Kruijswijk. In this famous collection you'll find also the artists' books by Elke Rehder. The artists' book were published 1993 in the ELKE REHDER PRESSE, a small press edition in Barsbuettel near Hamburg in Germany. The Royal Library in The Hague shows a pictures of one of my prints on the website of the chess collection. The picture shows a woodcut to the chess story "The Royal Game" by Stefan Zweig. Here is the link to the pictures of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek
Lasa, Tassilo von Heydebrand und der: Erneutes Verzeichnis meiner Sammlung von Schriften über das Schachspiel. Wiesbaden, Petmecky, 1896.
Lasa, Tassilo von Heydebrand und der: Zur Geschichte und Literatur des Schachspiels. Forschungen. Leipzig, Veit, 1897.
Linde, Antonius van der: Das erste Jahrtausend der Schachliteratur. 850 - 1880. Berlin, Springer, 1881.
Linde, Antonius van der: Geschichte und Literaur des Schachspiels. 2 Vol. Berlin, Springer, 1874. First edition.
Linde, Antonius van der: Quellenstudien zur Geschichte des Schachspiels. Berlin, Springer, 1881. First edition.
Linde, Antonius van der: Schaakbibliotheek. 840 - 1975. Utrecht, Hoften, 1875.
Lüders, Horst / Moehle, Christine: Der Kieler Schachkatalog. The catalogue from the collection of Schleswig-Holstein state library in Kiel has been published in 2000 in a small edition of only 300 copies. The origin of this chess book collection goes back to the important chess book library of William Massmann and the extensive collection of Gerd Meyer in Lübeck. This catalog is a valuable addition to the already existing international standard bibliography of chess books.
Mantelperg, Armin: Handbuch der deutschen Schachbibliografie ab 1950. Zweiter Band (M-Z). Handbook of German chess bibliography since 1950. 2. Vol (M-Z).Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2011.
Mantelperg, Armin: Handbuch der deutschen Schachbibliografie ab 1950. Erster Band (A-L). Handbook of German chess bibliography since 1950. 1. Vol (A-L). Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2009. Mantelperg-Schachbibliografie.pdf
Nährlin, Elenore: Systematic handbook of English chess publications since 1900. Angyacht - handbook of English chess bibliography since 1900. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2007.
Nährlin, Eleonore: Systematisches Handbuch der englischen Schachbibliografie; die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts - Systematic handbook of English chess bibliography; the first half of the twentieth century. Dritte Auflage. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2009.
Niemeijer, Meindert: Catalogus van de Schaakboekerij. The catalog was printed in Rotterdam in 1939. This Chess catalog was published in a small edition of 500 copies. But only a few copies survived, because 200 copies were destroyed in World War II.
Niemroch: Deutsche Schachbibliografie: 1900 bis 1949; ein annotiertes Handbüchlein. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2005.
Norgodt, Enite: Alfabetisches Handbuch nord- & südeuropäischer Schachbibliografie; die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts - Bibliographic handbook of north & south european chess publications; the first half of the twentieth century. Fünfte überarbeitete Auflage. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2010.
Norgodt, Erik: Handbook of Netherlandic, Scandinavian and Romanic Chess Publications 1900 to 1949. Hollyacht - Handbook of Dutch, Nordic and Romance chess bibliography; 3. Auflage. Wien, Refordis, 2008.
Oettinger, Eduard Maria: Bibliotheca Shahiludii. Bibliotheque du jeu des echecs. This is a very important chess bibliography. It's an alphabetical directory of all the works that have appeared in print. There is a reprint from 1974 after the edition from 1844 published by Engelmann in Leipzig.
Otvaldt, Lena: Systematisches Handbuch Skandinavischer, Romanischer und Niederländischer Schachbibliografie ab 1900. Hollyacht - handbook of Dutch, Nordic and Romance chess bibliography. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2008.
Otvaldt, Thor: Systematisches Handbuch der mediterranen und skandinavischen Schachbibliografie; die erste Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts - Systematic handbook of mediterranean and Scandinavian chess bibliography; the first half of the twentieth century. Dritte überarbeitete Auflage. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2010.
Peinmondt, Florance: Alfabetisches Handbuch Deutscher Schachbibliografie ab 1900. Geryacht - Handbuch der deutschen Schachbibliografie ab 1900. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2006.
Peinmondt, Florance: Bibliografisches Handbuch deutscher Schachbücher und Serials zur ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts - Bibliographic handbook of German chess books & serials the first half of the twentieth century. Dritte überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2008.
Qelfrau / Peinmondt: Weltbibliografie zum Schachspiel. Handbuch der Schachbibliografien. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2006.
Qelfrau / Xanacht / Peinmondt: Deskriptives Schach-Handbuch zu weltweit publizierten Büchern und Serials. Handbuch der Schachbibliografien. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2005.
Sacharow, N. I.: Schachmatnaja literatura SSSR. Bibliografija 1775 - 1966. Moscow, 1968.
Schmid, A.: Taschturangavidja. Literatur des Schachspiels. Wien, Gerold, 1847. First edition.
Schmidt, L. C.: Dansk Skakkatalog. Kopenhagen, 1973.
Schönle, Siegfried: Festschrift für Egbert Meissenburg. Internationale Schachforschungen - Festschrift for Egbert Meissenburg. International research in chess. Dritte Auflage. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2009.
Schönle, Siegfried: Festschrift für Egbert Meissenburg; Schachforschungen - Festschrift for Egbert Meissenburg, international research in chess. Erstausgabe. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2008. Festschrift-Egbert-Meissenburg.pdf
Schönle, Siegfried: Internationale Bibliographie zur Geschichte der Schach- und Brettspiele. Artikel in Sammelmonographien und Jahrbüchern - International bibliography on the history of chess and board games. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2011.
Wyroyce, Alwis: Bibliografisches Handbuch englischer Schachpublikationen 1900 bis 1949 - Bibliographic handbook of English chess publications 1900 to 1949. Vindobona (Vienna), Refordis, 2009.
Wyroyce, Alwis: Bibliographic handbook of English chess publications since 1900. Angyacht - Handbook of English chess bibliography since 1900. Wien, Refordis, 2006.
The bibliographic recording of all chess books in the world is one of the objectives of the Ken Whyld Association. The extensive bibliographic collection of all the chess books in a database is certainly a very ambitious undertaking, which can only be realized to a great extent and in a reasonable time by an excellent global network. Chess players from all countries are invited to contribute to the success of this project.
Elke Rehder - Chess-World of Pawns is a painted book in mixed media on 12 pages mould paper by Elke Rehder. 1999. Format: 38 x 58 cm. The book is handbound in half-leather by the Danish bookbinder Gert H. Jørgensen in Middelfart, Funen in Denmark. Edition: 6 numbered and signed copies. Each copy is unique (the edition is sold).
Heinrich Heine - "A Germany Book" is a painted book by the German artist Elke Rehder in acrylics on hard board. 1999. Format: 70 x 50 cm. The book is handbound in half-cloth.
Stefan Andres - An den Tod ( To the Death ). Single sheet print. Poem with a colour woodcut by Elke Rehder. Handbound softcover. 20,5 x 30 cm. 2003. 100 numbered and signed copies and 450 only signed copies (550 total). Please view some photos of my printing workshop
Erich Fitzbauer - Schachspiel ( Game of Chess ). Single sheet print. First edition of this poem with one colour woodcut by Elke Rehder. Handbound softcover. 20 x 30 cm. 2001. 100 numbered copies signed by the author and the artist and 450 copies signed by the artist (550 total).
Heine - Ich bin ein wahnsinniger
Schachspieler...( I
am a mad chess player ... ). Colour woodcut by Elke Rehder with a short quotation from a Heine letter to his friend Christian Sethe from October 1816. Book printing on mould-made Lana paper. Size 42 x 29,6 cm, folded to 21 x 29,6 cm. 2006.
Edition: 100 numbered and signed copies and 450 only signed copies (550 total).
More images and detailed information about my single sheet prints you'll find on my German homepage about woodcuts
Ernst Jünger - Rehburger Reminiszenzen. Artists' book with an autobiographical text and 11 woodcuts by Elke Rehder. Handbound half leather binding with additional woodcuts on the cover boards and on the fly leaves. 32 pages, 25 x 35 cm. 1998. 100 numbered and signed copies.
Ernst Jünger - Single sheet print after a quotation from my artists' book Rehburger Reminiszenzen with one woodcut. Handbound softcover. 19 x 26,5 cm. 1998. 60 numbered and signed copies. More images and information about this book you'll find on my German homepage about Ernst Jünger
Slawomir Mrozek - Schach ( Chess ). Short story about living chess. In this story the chessmen are going to play their own game without the chess-player, like the figures in this illustrations. The artists' book contains six signed colour etchings by Elke Rehder. Luxury bookbinding by Christian Zwang, Hamburg. Full goat-leather binding. Slipcase. 24 pages, 25 x 25 cm. 1994. 30 numbered and signed copies. More images and information about this book you'll find on my German homepage about Slawomir Mrozek
Gottlieb Konrad Pfeffel (1736 -1809) - Das Schachspiel ( The Game of Chess ). Poem with 7 woodcuts by Elke Rehder. Artists' book with a handmade brochure in Bugra-paper. 32 pages, 20 x 27 cm. 1997. 40 numbered and signed copies (60 total). Special edition no. 1 - 20. Handbound half leather artists' book with two additional woodcuts on the boards. All woodcuts are handcoloured.
Gottlieb Konrad Pfeffel - Single sheet print. Quotation from the poem with one handcoloured woodcut by Elke Rehder. Handbound softcover. 19,5 x 27 cm. 1999. 60 numbered and signed copies. More images and information about this book you'll find on my German homepage about Pfeffel
Roy Rasmussen about Heinrich Heine - Schach dem König oder Heinrich Heine auf Helgoland und die Sage von Rodulf und Rumetrud. ( Check the King or Heinrich Heine on the Isle of Helgoland and the Legend of Rodulf and Rumetrud of the Brothers Grimm ). Artists' book with 4 coloured drawings by Elke Rehder. 42 pages with pictures in colour. Handmade brochure with painted cover boards. Size 15 x 21 cm. 2006. 30 numbered and signed copies. More images and information about this book you'll find on my German homepage about Heine
Roy Rasmussen: Heine, Hamburg und die Frauen. ( Heinrich Heine, Hamburg and the Women ). Artists' book with 4 coloured drawings. 42 pages with pictures in colour, 4 original drawings by Elke Rehder und 12 pages from a letter by Heinrich Heine from 27. October 1816 to his friend Christian Sethe. Painted softcover with dust jacket. Size 17 x 28 cm. 2006. 30 numbered and signed copies. More images and information about this book you'll find on my German homepage about Heine Frauen
Schach - Gespräche mit Figuren. ( Chess-Talks with Chessmen ). Graphic suite with 6 numbered and signed handcoloured woodcuts by Elke Rehder. A fictive dialog with the chessmen on the chess board. 8 pages text. Text by Elke Rehder in first edition. Size 18 x 24 cm. 1999. 50 numbered and signed copies.
Schach II ( Chess II ). Cassette with 8 numbered and signed colour woodcuts by Elke Rehder and one woodcut on the front board. Text brochure 32 pages with illustrations from the artists' sketchbook in facsimile. First edition. 38 x 49 cm. 2000. 80 numbered and signed copies. More images and information about this portfolio with woodcuts you'll find on my German hompage about chess woodcuts
Schach I ( Chess I ). Graphic suite with 6 numbered and signed etchings by Elke Rehder. Handcrafted portfolio by the artist. 8 pages , 18 x 24 cm. 1995. 36 numbered and signed copies. More images and information about this portfolio with etchings you'll find on my German homepage about etchings
Schach - Ein Gesellschaftsspiel. ( Chess - A Parlour Game ). Artists' book with handwritten poems and 4 etchings in limited edition. Handcrafted by Elke Rehder with a paper object on the front cover. 24 pages, 20 x 27 cm. 1993. 20 numbered and signed copies.
Schachanalogie ( Chess Analogy ). Artists' book with handwritten poems and 4 etchings in limited edition. Bookbinding by Christian Zwang, Hamburg. Paper object on front cover. Slip case. 24 pages, 20 x 27 cm, 1994. 40 numbered and signed copies. More images and information about my artists' books you'll find on my German homepage about artists' books
Hans Peter Schmitt - Folie. Single sheet print. First edition of this poem with one colour woodcut by Elke Rehder. Handbound softcover. Size 20 x 29,5 cm. 2000. 100 numbered copies signed by author and artist. 450 signed by the artist (550 total).
Gerhard Stübner - Spieler Tod ( Players Death ). Single sheet print. Poem by Gerhard Stübner with one woodcut by Elke Rehder. Size. 21 x 30 cm. 2008. One of 90 numbered and signed copies. This first edition is also signed by the author.
Stefan Zweig - Schachnovelle ( The Royal Game or Chess Story ). Portfolio to the chess novella by Stefan Zweig with 6 numbered and signed colour woodcuts by Elke Rehder on Dosabiki Masashi Japanese paper. Handcrafted portfolio. 5 pages with extracts from the story. Size 18 x 24 cm. 1996. 36 numbered and signed copies.
Stefan Zweig - Schachnovelle. Single sheet print. Quotation from the novella with one woodcut by Elke Rehder. Handbound softcover. Size 19,5 x 27 cm. 2002. One of 50 numbered and signed copies.
Stefan Zweig - Schachwut ( Chess Rage ). Quotation from The Royal Game. Single sheet print. Quotation from the novella with one colour woodcut by Elke Rehder. Handbound softcover. Size 21 x 29,5 cm. 2007. One of 100 numbered and signed copies.
Abbe Durand / Preti, Jean: Strategie raisonnee des ouvertures du jeu d'echecs. Illustree de nombreux diacrammes. Paris u. London, Jean Preti u. Barthes and Lowell, 2.
Edition 1867 in 2 Vol.
Agnel, H. R.: The Book of Chess. Containing the Rudiments of the Game, and Elementary Analyses of the Most Popular Openings. New York, Appleton & Co., 1850. First edition.
Das Schachbuch von Agnel enthält u. a. Staunton's Analysis of the King's and Queen's
Bird, H. E.: Chess History and Reminiscences. London, Dean & Son. 1893. First edition.
Carrera, P. A.: Treatise on the Game of Chess. Containing Games of Odds, Various Openings of even Games... to which are added, the Art of Playing without Seeing the Board. Translated from the Italian by W. Lewis. London. Richardson & Triphook, 1822. First English Edition.
Cessole, J. da: Volgarizzamento de libro de'costumi e degli offizii de'nobili sopra il giuoco degli
scachhi ( scacchi ). Milano, Ferrari, 1829.
Clules, W.: The Philosophy of Chess. London. Whittaker, 1857. First edition.
Delaire, H.: Les échecs modernes. Histoire Théorie complète. 2 tomes. Paris, La
strategie, 1925.
Fiske, W.: Chess Tales and Chess Miscellanies. London, Longmans Green & Co., 1912.
(a collection from Chess Monthly).
Forbes, D.: The History of Chess from the Time of the Early Invention of the Game in India, till the Period of its Establishment in Western and Central Europe. London, Allen, 1860. First edition.
Hunneman, W.: Chess. A Selection of Fifty Games, from those played by the Automaton Chess-Player during its Exhibition in London 1820. London, Maxwell, 1820. First edition.
Jaenisch, C. F. de.: Traité des applications de l'analyse mathématique au jeu des échecs. 3 in 1 tom. St. Petersburg 1862.
Kennedy, W. A.: Waifs and Strays. Chiefly from the Chess-board. London, Booth, 1862.
Kieseritzky, L.: Chinquante parties jouées au cercle des échecs et au Café de la Régence. Paris, Café de la Régence, 1846.
Lasker, Emanuel: Common Sense in Chess. Gesunder Menschenverstand im Schach. 2 Bände. London Bellairs 1896 und Berlin Wertbuchhandel 1925.
Löwenthal, J.: Murphy 's Games of Chess: Being the best games played by the distinguished champion in Europe and America. London, George Bell and Sons, 1890.
With analytical and critical notes by J. Löwenthal, President of the St. James's Chess Club and editor of chess columns.
MacDonnell, G. A.: Chess Life-Picture, containing Biographical Sketches, Caissana and Character-Sketches. London, Kelly 1883.
Montigny, M. de: Les stratagèmes des échecs ou collection des coups d'échecs plus brillant et les plus curieux. 2 tomes. Paris, Straßburg, König, 1802.
Murray, Harold J.R.: The History of Chess. Oxford, Clarendon
Press 1913.
Philidor: Chess Rendered Familiar by Tabular Demonstrations of Various Positions and Movements. London, Baldwin Cradock & Joy, 1819.
Sarratt, J. H.: A new treatise on the game of chess. General rules, explanations, notes and examples. 2 Bde. (in 1). London 1821. Van der Linde 2261
Severino, Marco Aurelio: La Filosofia overo il Perche degli Scacchi. Napoli, Antonio Bulifon, 1690.
first edition.
Staunton, Howard (1810 - 1874): The Chess-Player's Handbook. A popular and scientific introduction to the game of chess. With an alphabetical list of the princial openings and a bibliography, by
R. F. Green. London: Bell & Sons. The first edition is from
Tomlinson, Ch.: Amusements in Chess. London, Parker, 1845. First edition.
Trevangadacharya Shastree. Essays on Chess. Adapted to the European Mode of Play. Consisting Principally of Positions or Critical Situations. Translated from the Original Sanscrit. Bombay, Cruz, 1814. First English Edition.
Walker, G.: Chess and Chess Players. Consisting of Original Stories and Sketches. London, Skeet, 1850. First book edition.
Some stories were earlier published in Frasers Magazine.
CAISSA Journal for the history of chess and other board games is an academic journal by the German historian Dr. Mario Ziegler. Please visit the English version of the website
The first edition of Caissa will provide – among others – the following articles:
Chernev, I. / Reinfeld, Fr.: The Fireside Book of Chess. New York, Simon & Schuster, 1949. First edition.
Hochberg, Burt (Hrsg.): The 64-Square Looking Glass. The Great Game of Chess in World Literature. New York, Times Books, 1993.
Polgar, Laszlo: Chess Endgames / Schach Endspiele / Echecs les finales / Ajedrez finales de partida / Sakk-vegjatekok. 171 types in 4560 positions / 171 Kategorien mit 4560 Stellungen / 171 types de positions en 4560 exemples / 171 tipos en 4560 posiciones / 171 tipus 4560 pozicioban. Köln, Könemann, 1999.
ISBN 3829005075. 1159 pages.
Polgar, Laszlo: Chess Middlegames. Schach Mittelspiele 77 Kategorien mit 4158 Stellungen / Echecs le milieu de jeu / Ajedrez el medio juego / Sakk-Közepjatekok. Köln, Könemann, 1998. ISBN 3895086835.
1015 pages.
Polgar, Laszlo: Reform-Chess, Reformschach. Köln, Könemann Verlag,
1997. ISBN 3895082260. 495 pages.
Salzmann, J.: The Chess Reader. The Royal Game in the World Literature. New York, Greenberg, 1949. First edition.
Suetin, Alexei: Caro-Kann Defence ( CaroKann Chess ). London, Batsford, (1988). Revised and updated edition. ISBN 0713459395. 159 pages with numerous diagramms. Original softcover.
Zweig, Stefan: Schachnovelle (The Royal Game or Chess Story). With woodcuts by Elke Rehder. Freiburg / Br., 2004. 108 p. 25 x 15.5 cm.
Reprinting of the German text from the Bermann-Fischer Verlag, Stockholm 1943, having consulted the first edition, published Pigmalion, Buenos Aires
1942. Layout according to specifications set by Ulrike Erber-Bader. The
letterpress printing and the printing of the six woodcuts from the original
blocks was done in the workshops of the Fischbach Press, Texing, Austria. Font: Rialto. Paper: Old Zerkall noble white Burgundy.
Bookbinding: Thomas Zwang, Hamburg, using a hand-made paper from Gangolf
Ulbricht in Berlin. The edition is 100 copies. Each book is numbered and signed by
the artist Elke Rehder.
This book dedicated Ulrike Erber-Bader to the participants of the 105 Annual Meeting of the
Gesellschaft der Bibliophilen (Society of Bibliophiles) in Frankfurt am Main, June 2004.
The small limited edition is very rare. There are copies in international collections and libraries.
More images and information about this rare book you'll find on my German homepage about
Stefan Zweig: Schachnovelle. Cover illustration by Elke Rehder. Frankfurt, S. Fischer, 2012. ISBN 9783596512355. 96 pages, hardcover size 14,6 x 9,3 cm. This one with a drawing by the artist, signed in pencil. You can order this item-no. P111 by e-mail. More information on my homepage about Stefan Zweig
A book on Chess in newspapers and magazines of the 19th Century
Elke Rehder: Schach in Zeitungen des 19. Jahrhunderts. 210 Schachaufgaben und 200 Bilder. EDITION JUNG, 2014. 340 pages. ISBN 978-3-933648-54-9. Here you can have a look to the book illustrations and here you can read the German text extract reading
Oreste Calleja: Jum Fost l-Oħrajn and En Passant. Both dramas were created in 1970 and will be released in the volume 7 of his works with cover illustrations by the German Elke Rehder. Book size: 14,5 x 22,5 cm, 152 pages. Publisher: PUBBLIKAZZJONI, October 2016. ISBN 978-99957-896-26
Oreste Calleja: Jum Fost l-Oħrajn and En Passant. Cover illustration by the German artist Elke Rehder
Oreste Calleja (born November 20, 1946) is a Maltese playwright, born in Hamrun,
Malta. He studied at the Lyceum Grammar School and St Michael's Teachers’
Training College (1964–66). He attended the University of London, Birkbeck
College in 1974-75, and in 1990, studied at North Florida University and
Jacksonville University, Florida, from where he obtained a BA in Fine Arts and
French in 1990. In the 1960s, Calleja was a committee member of the Moviment
Qawmien Letterarju, and after a short stint of writing in English, he started
writing plays for the stage, radio, and television in Maltese. For several years
his plays have featured in Maltese Literature national curricula in high schools
and University courses.
Two of his plays, Pawlu Redux and Il-Festa bil-Bandieri, won the Malta National
Book Award for drama. In 2011, a review in the Times of Malta called Calleja a
"neglected Maltese playwright". Following in the tradition of Maltese playwright
Francis Ebejer, Calleja's works depicted characters who were aspiring to a
greater life but who inevitably faced insurmountable social and psychological
hurdles. His themcs are at once highly allegorical and ironic and … encompass a
world both universal and local. (source: wikipedia)
Plays: Anestesija 1969; Għargħar 1979; Ċens Perpetwu 1969; Satira 1970 (theses four plays published in "4 Drammi", 1972); Jum Fost l-Oħrajn 1970; En Passant 1970; Iġsmaiħirsa 1970; Għasfur taċ-Ċomb 1993; Il-Belliegħa fil-Bir 1994; U l-Anġlu Ħabbar 1995; Pawlu Redux 1999; Il-Festa bil-Bandieri 2002; Għażiż Angelo 2016. For more information, please visit the website
Please also visit my German homepage
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